Energy Care and Efficency was commenced wart vision to stimulate a reformation in the field of energy saving and pervade the add of ignorance in the industry. It is our prevelage to serve society and indicate ignorance of energy saving in the Industry. With the economic growth, the demand for energy has increased significantly. It is a matter of concern that some sectors are highly energy intensive and in this situation, productive utilization of energy assets, their preservation are of extraordinary significance which is crucial for check of inefficient energy utilization. Perceiving the way that utilizing energy proficiently and saving Is the best choice to fulfill the rising energy need The Government of India implemented the Energy Conservation Act in 2001, and in March 2002, the Energy Efficiency Authority was dissolved. The law accommodates the systematization and rinfoxing of homegrown energy proficiency administration conveyance components and gives true and necessary coordination among different organizations. Energy preservation is a public concern, and we should work together to make India an energy-efficient economy and society. Along these lines, we can stay serious in the homegrown market; however, actuals will want a chance in the world.

Dr. VishaI Gupta
Energy Care and Efficiency gives significant conservation to assist the business with meeting Its critical objectives for energy productivity, choosing the right administration that convey the ideal outcomes from energy reviews, and assist the business with meeting its energy proficiency objectives. To do this, coordinated gatherings, specialized meetings, conferences, classes, and studios with trustly experts are necessary for dissolving and settling obstacles that enterprises face in bringing their energy effectiveness endeavors to satisfaction. Sharing information, experiences, and contextual analyses from different businesses, specialists, and organizations from India and abroad will be presented. Starting endeavors In light of these goals, ECE is currently taking part in diverse activities as industry experts, specialists, business leaders, and specialists in the energy area.